Industrial automation

Industrial automation is part of the Edu4Industry offer targeted at technical schools and universities. The available solutions enable the practical learning of advanced topics – on equipment that can be found in the largest manufacturing plants.

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Why industrial automation?

Nowadays, increasing importance is placed on education in the field of industrial automation due to its growing significance in the industry and the related need to train skilled specialists. Industrial automation is one of the most crucial directions for the development of manufacturing enterprises. It is extremely important to encourage students to expand their skills in this area, to facilitate their entry into the job market with the proper preparation and knowledge.


Practice as the foundation of education

The education of future automation engineers should primarily be based on practical experience. Among the industrial automation solutions offered by Edu4Industry, you will find PLC controllers and operator panels, software, and educational stations simulating real manufacturing processes. This allows knowledge to be conveyed in an easy and accessible manner on equipment that is also used by the largest manufacturing enterprises.